Nothing Better to Do than Listen
Nothing Better to Do Than Listen: Listening with attention and intention can be the best thing you'll ever do for others and yourself. Listening as a spiritual practice brings you closer to the sacred within and around you. In times of joy, but most importantly in times of trouble, companioning one another is life-giving. We need one another as we travel through the valley of the shadow, or grapple with change. When you listen you may hear other’s deepest and most important stories into voice, and you may connect your self, and your community, to your own hearts’ song.
Youtube Videos (more to be made to order)
Sample OOS
Prelude *(Musican’s Choice)
Welcome and announcements - Board Member (Introduce Amy B)
Sounding the Gong
Call into the Circle of Love and Justice – Amy B
Chalice Lighting
Hymn #1059 “May Your Life Be As a Song” (round, need second song leader) Amy
Time for all ages “The Other Way To Listen” by Byrd Baylor - Amy
Anthem "Seasons" by Ola Geijlo
Offering /Offertory - *(Musician’s Choice)
Candles of Joy and Sorrow -
Pastoral Prayer - Amy
Reading - “Mockingbirds” by Mary Oliver
Hymn for Reflection- #391 Voice Still and Small
Sermon “Nothing Better to Do Than Listen” - The Reverend Amy Beltaine
Song “Listen Listen Listen” (Pagan chant, acapella, Amy will teach - round, need second song leader)
Chalice Extinguishing -
Closing Words/Benediction - Amy B
Suggestions for HYMNS
Do You Hear No. 112
#391 Voice Still and Small
“Listen Listen Listen” (Pagan chant)
Suggestions for PERFORMED Music
Suggestions for READINGS (chalice lighting, extinguishing, etc.)
Chalice Lighting: by Adele Ulbricht Whoever you are, wherever or whatever you come from, you are welcome here. We are invited into connection, and inspired to spiritual growth. Let us leave this hour together, refreshed anew, Ready to ignite action for justice in the wider world.
#539 "Late October" Maya Angelou
Wild Geese by Mary Oliver
Mockingbirds by Mary Oliver
chalice extinguising comes from Barbara Hamilton-Holoway: Deeply regard each other Truly listen to each other Speak what each must speak Be ready in every moment to disarm your own heart As we extinguish the flame, rejoice in this love you have begun.
#536, Morning Poem
Annie Dillard - Together we notice each other’s beautiful faces and complex natures so that Creation need not play to an empty house.