Green Chalice
Green Chalice Cultivate Courage with Hildegard of Bingen. How does your relationship with the natural world feed your soul and connect you to all your communities?
Solace for burned-out earth-activists and those who suffer from ‘climate-change overwhelm’ .
Rich, Green, Juicy
Mandala-making, physio-divina, worship. Will draw on the rituals of earth-honoring, Catholic and Buddhist traditions. Insights from St. Hildegard and Feminist/Process Theology.
Deep Draught of Viriditas:
7 hour/one day retreat with time for breaks and lunch.
$55/person (minimum 10 people) or $550 flat (inquire about small group rates).
Sharing the Cup with Hildegard:
1.5 hour workshop
$25/person (minimum 10) or $250 flat.