Earth's Beloved

Earth’s Beloved - Spring is normally a time of abundance. Yet we are aware of the brokenness in the world. When we think about our sacred relationship with the Earth and with all living things, we cannot help but ask: what is being asked of us, and given to us, even now?

YouTube Videos


Arriving music/with pre-set slide show


Welcome, Land Acknowledgement, Introduce Amy - Service Associate

Gathering Song* -Gathered Here”

Call into the Circle of Love and Justice/Cast Sacred Space - Amy

Chalice Lighting/Call in the divine - Service Associate

Spirit of Life

Time for All Ages/Setting intention - Everybody Needs a Rock

Joys and Sorrows - Service Associate

Music for Meditation - “Mitakuye Oyasin” (All my relations) by Nahko and Medicine for the People

Reflection I Amy Beltaine

Offering - - Service Associate

Offertory -

Reflection II Amy or Lay Leader

Music - Now I walk in Beauty traditional Navajo prayer Music by Gregg Smith

Reflection III Amy

Song of Celebration* - Rise with the Fire by Starhawk

Chalice Extinguishing - - Service Associate

Benediction - Amy

Suggested hymn options (Gathering Hymn, Pastoral Hymn, Blessing Hymn ):

Suggested reading options (Chalice lighting, responsive reading, chalice ext.):