No Time Not To Love
Time To Love: There are those who would set fire to the world. There is only time to work slowly. There is no time not to love. It is tempting to shake our fists and decry the “evil” corporations. But how might we respond to sin with both compassion and strength? What might doing the work with love, with hospitality, look like in our daily lives? Universalist Clarence Skinner explored these ideas after World War II, as did Susan B Anthony during her fight for women’s and African Americans’ right to vote. We are called to find our own way during these years of transformation.
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Welcome & Introduction of Amy
Call into the Circle of Love and Justice – Amy B
Chalice Lighting - “Take courage, friends” by Wayne Arneson
Hymn - #361 “Enter Rejoice and Come In”
Midrash- “The Tomato Plant” by Rabbi Gelman
Responsive Reading - #666 from Thandeka
Joys and Sorrows - Jerry
Prayer and Meditation - Amy
Pastoral Hymn - “Spirit of Life” (#123) (The story of Carolyn McDade’s Composition) - Amy
Homily I “No Time Not to Love” - The Reverend Amy Beltaine
Offertory “Time to Love” words by Deena Metzger, music by Charlie Murphy, and Jamie Sieber Permission to perform provided by Jamie Sieber
Homily II
Song of Celebration - #170, “Singing for Our Lives”
Chalice Extinguishing - (Unison) -
Benediction - Amy
Postlude -
Song alternates
#6 Just as Long as I Have Breath
#95 There Is More Love Somewhere