Spelunking with Inanna- Dying and reborn Gods and Goddesses are found in many myths. The ancient Sumerian Goddess, Inanna has a powerful story of being planted deep in the earth, and then returning to live again. Persephone's abduction from her loving mother, Demeter, reminds us that suffering comes to us all. Inanna returns with a little help from her friends, Persephone makes her own choices. Demeter perseveres. What sustains us through the painful periods in life? Travel on the Inanna Journey through loss to wholeness.
Welcome and Announcements
Call into the Circle of Love and Justice - Amy
Chalice Lighting - Service Associate
Hymn 389 Gathered Here
Time for All Ages -Inanna’s Descent - Amy (Pre-recorded)
Joys and Sorrows - Service Associate
Pastoral Reflection - Amy
Pastoral song - When I Rise
Offering -Board rep and Offertory - Music team
Homily I - Amy
Interlude - 402 From you I receive
Homily II - Amy
Hymn - Little Help From My Friends by Lennon and McCarthy - Live (Musicians)
Releasing the Flame - Service Associate
Benediction - Amy
Suggested hymn options (Gathering Hymn, Pastoral Hymn, Blessing Hymn ):
389 Gathered Here
Gathered Here in the mystery of the hour Gathered here in one strong body gathered here in the struggle and the power Spirit draw near.
402 (From you I receive)
Return again (Teal hymnal)
And When I Rise
And When I rise, let me rise like a bird, joyfully,
And when I fall, let me fall like a leaf, gracefully, without regrets.
And when I stand, let me stand like a tree, strong and tall,
And when I lie, let me lie like a lake, peacefully, calm and still.
And when I work, let me work like a bee, whole-heartedly,
And when I play, let me play like a breeze, refreshingly, light and clear.
67, We Sing Now Together
Turn! Turn! Turn! (To everything there is a season)
69, give thanks (Same tune as “do you hear” #112)
317, we are not our own
Where do we come from (Teal hymnal)
277, when we wend homeward
Suggested reading options (Chalice lighting, responsive reading, chalice ext.):
#642 Psalm 23
What do I do when my love is away.
(Does it worry you to be alone)
How do I feel by the end of the day
(Are you sad because you're on your own)
No, I get by with a little help from my friends,
Mmm, get high with a little help from my friends,
Mmm, gonna to try with a little help from my friends - Lennon & McCartney