Harvest Home

Harvest Home- It is the time of the Fall Equinox. Traditionally a time to mark the transition from the fruitfulness of Autumn to the work and custodianship of Winter. We are not our own. Earth forms us, through generations. We live in community, in tribes, in institutions that welcome us home, over and over again. So this is the time of year to give thanks, and celebrate with ritual, and by giving back. Let us remember, we are not alone, and let this be a house of welcome where we support one another and gladly show all our neighbors we are not our own!

YouTube videos to be made to order


Welcome and Announcements


Call to Worship - Amy

Chalice Lighting

Gathering Song* 69, give thanks

Time for all ages -Amy

Joys and Sorrows

Prayer and Meditation - Amy

Pastoral Song

Reading "September Celebrations" by Jason Mankey, a Pagan Priest in Sunnyvale California


Homily "Harvest Home " Amy Beltaine

Song of Celebration* 317, we are not our own

Extinguishing the Chalice

Benediction - Amy

Suggested hymn options (Gathering Hymn, Pastoral Hymn, Blessing Hymn ):

  • Chant for the seasons #74 Grey Hymnal

  • Return again (Teal hymnal)

  • 67, We Sing Now Together

  • Turn! Turn! Turn! (To everything there is a season)

  • 69, give thanks (Same tune as “do you hear” #112)

  • 317, we are not our own

  • Where do we come from (Teal hymnal)

  • 277, when we wend homeward

Suggested reading options (Chalice lighting, responsive reading, chalice ext.):

  • Sukkot and Yom Kippur

  • First Fruits

  • Litany of Forgiveness