Memoir– Samhain, All Souls, Day of the Dead. This time of year the veil between the living and mystery is thin and we remember our those who have gone before. Memory can lighten the burden of grief, create meaning, or create a container for the next chapter. What is your memoir? What is your story? We need your voice. In a voiced community we all flourish!
YouTube videos will be made to order
Welcome and announcements - (Introduce Amy)
Prelude - “Children will Listen” by Stephen Sondheim, performed by Barbara Streisand *(Recorded)
Call to Worship - Amy
Chalice Lighting - #176
Song of gathering #1059 “Let the People Sing Their Lives”
Time for all ages “If the People Keep Samhain, Samhain will Keep the People” by Steven Posch - Amy
Joys and Sorrows
Prayer - Amy
Pastoral Hymn “For All That Is Our Lives”
Reading -
Offering and Offertory - “Annabel” by Kat Goldman performed by The Duhks *(recorded)
Sermon “Memoir” - The Reverend Amy Beltaine
Song of going forth - “Listen, Listen, Listen” anonymous, traditional Pagan chant (amy introduce)
Chalice Extinguishing -
Closing Words/Benediction - Amy
Circle song
**Suggestions for HYMNS
Listen, Listen, Listen (chant, easy to teach and learn)
#1059 “Let the People Sing Their Lives”
“For All That Is Our Lives”
**Suggestions for PERFORMED (or recorded) Music
Annabel by Kat Goldman (performed by the Duhks)
“Children will Listen” - Streisand or
"Paperback writer" - Beatles?
"for whom the bell tolls" - Rush
"Everyday I Write the Book" Elvis Costello
"Remember Me" by Chris Mann
*Suggestions for READINGS (chalice lighting, extinguishing, etc.)
#539 "Late October" Maya Angelou
(Reading before offertory -> #120LOV - NEED TWO VOICES!)