What We Love Can Be Saved

What We Love Can Be Saved – The pain in the world can overwhelm and cause us to retreat into numbness. Love invites us forward, but it is easy to feel ineffective and hopeless about making a difference. Get thee behind me ‘Imposter Syndrome’! It’s time to find your path among many. What is your “work that must be done” so that justice and love flow down like water?

Videos on YouTube


Announcements and Welcome

Chalice Lighting: May the Light we Now Kindle Serve as a Beacon


Call into the Circle of Love and Justice - Amy

Gathering Song:* We Are the Flow by Starhawk performed by Reclaiming Collective

Joys and Sorrows

Sung Prayer:* I Will Be Gentle With Myself written and performed by Libana

Time for all ages The Tomato Plant by Rabbi Geller


Reading: Anything We Love Can Be Saved (excerpt) by Alice Walker

Music for Reflection: Calling on the Spirits written by Charlie Murphy and performed by Charlie Murphy, Jami Seiber, and the Cultural Experience Choir of Seattle

Homily I: What We Love Can be Saved Reverend Amy Beltaine

Hymn: #157 Step by Step the Longest March performed by John McCutcheon

Homily II

Song of Celebration:* #368 Now Let Us Sing performed by the UU Church of Buffalo

Benediction - Amy

Suggested hymn options (Gathering Hymn, Pastoral Hymn, Blessing Hymn ):

Suggested performed music:

Suggested reading options (Chalice lighting, responsive reading, chalice ext.):

  • #459 May the light we now kindle serve as a beacon

  • #431 O Spinner, Weaver of our lives

  • #456 by Elizabeth Selle Jones for Chalice Extinguishing

  • #459 Chalice lighting “This is the mission of our faith,” by Rev. William F. Schulz

  • #698 “Take courage friends” by Wayne Arneson

  • Responsive Reading: “Calling on the Spirits” by Charlie Murphy (see below, in script)

  • Chalice Ext: #431 O Spinner, Weaver of our lives

  • Chalice lighting: #453 May the light we now kindle serve as a beacon.

  • #666 from Thandeka